Patient, Family Rights & Responsibilities

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As a patient and family receiving care at Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital you have a right to:

  1. Be informed verbally and in writing of your rights and responsibilities in good time
  2. Be given information concerning diagnosis, planned treatment, and expected outcomes
  3. Be asked to give written specific informed consent for identified treatment and procedures
  4. Receive care that meets the highest standards without discrimination
  5. Be treated with courtesy, respect, and the respect of your cultural and religious values
  6. Confidentiality of all communications and records related to your care
  7. Have the parent(s) stay with the patient during the care process as much as is practical
  8. A secure and friendly environment
  9. Receive a copy of a reasonably clear and understandable bill
  10. Give feedback regarding care and to know how to give the said feedback
  11. Refuse or withdraw treatment to the extent permissible by laws and regulations and in consonance with prevailing cultural and religious practices.


As a patient and family receiving care at Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital you are responsible for and therefore expected to:

  1. Provide accurate and complete information relevant to the patient’s care
  2. Give written specific informed consent for identified treatment and procedures
  3. Respectfully interact with other patients and hospital staff
  4. Actively participate in the patient’s care and take actions that promote safety
  5. Keep scheduled appointments for procedures, reviews and treatment
  6. Follow health care facility rules and regulations
  7. Ensure that the financial obligations of the patient’s health care are fulfilled

Haki Na Majukumu Ya Mgonjwa Na Familia


Kama mgonjwa na familia inayopokea matibabu katika Hospitali ya Watoto ya Gertrude una haki ya:

  1. Kujulishwa kwa mdomo na kimaandishi kuhusu haki zako na majukumu yako kwa wakati ufaao.
  2. Kupewa taarifa kuhusu utambuzi wa ugonjwa, matibabu yaliyopangwa, na matokeo yanayotarajiwa.
  3. Kuombwa kutoa maandishi mahususi yanayoonyesha idhini ya matibabu yaliyotambuliwa na hatua za matibabu.
  4. Kupokea utunzaji unaoafikia viwango vya juu zaidi bila ubaguzi
  5. Kuhudumiwa kwa heshima, na kuheshimiwa kwa maadili yako ya kitamaduni na ya kidini.
  6. Kudumishwa kwa siri ya mawasiliano yote na kumbukumbu zote zinazohusiana na utunzaji wako
  7. Wazazi/mzazi kukaa na mgonjwa wakati wa hatua ya utunzaji kadri inavyowezekana
  8. Mazingira mazuri na yenye usalama.
  9. Kupokea nakala ya gharama iliyo wazi na inayoeleweka
  10. Kutoa maoni kuhusiana na utunzaji na kujua namna ya kutoa maoni yaliyotajwa.
  11. Kukataa au kukatisha matibabu katika kiwango kinachoruhusiwa na sheria na masharti na kwa makubaliano na matendo ya utamaduni na ya dini yaliyopo.


Kama mgonjwa na familia inayopokea matibabu katika Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital una majukumu na kwa hivyo unatarajiwa:

  1. Kutoa habari sahihi na kamilifu zinazoendana na utunzaji wa mgonjwa
  2. Kutoa maandishi mahususi yanayoonyesha idhini ya matibabu yaliyotambuliwa na hatua za matibabu
  3. Kutangamana na wagonjwa wengine na wahudumu wa hospitali kwa heshima
  4. Kushiriki kikamilifu katika utunzaji wa mgonjwa na kuchukua hatua zinazoendeleza usalama
  5. Kuweka kumbukumbu za nyakati za kukutana na daktari, mapitio na matibabu kama ilivyoratibiwa
  6. Kufuata sheria na masharti ya kituo cha afya
  7. Kuhakikisha kwamba wajibu wa kifedha wa matibabu ya mgonjwa yametimizwa