Admission & Eligibilty

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At Gertrude’s Hospital, being a children’s facility, only patients who are below 18 years are eligible for admission as inpatients. Admission is only based on a child’s medical needs at the time they are being admitted.

Once admitted, the patients are placed under the care of an appropriate and experienced private consultant. Great improvements have been made in “inpatient” care. For example, the average length of stay has been reduced by 20% in the recent years due to the work done by medical staff in both speeding up recovery periods through accurate diagnosis, and ensuring that a child is kept no longer than is necessary.


Admission at Gertrude’s follows three main categories. i.e.

Admission via Casualty

This admission follows the normal procedure whereby a patient comes to Gertrude’s Hospital as an outpatient case and the doctor feels that it will be in the best interest of the patient’s health to be admitted for further treatment and observation.

Admission via Satellite Clinics

This admission almost follows the normal procedure whereby a patient comes to Gertrude’s Hospital as an outpatient case. But in this case, the patients visits one of the Gertrude’s Hospital’s Satellite Clinics and the doctor from the clinics feels that it will be in the best interest of the patient’s health to be admitted for further treatment and observation.

The patient is referred to the satellite clinic and transport is organised to take the patient to Gertrude’s Main Hospital. A bed is prepared to make the admission smooth.

Admission via Emergency

This admission does not follow the normal procedure in an Emergency case and the patient is very serious and doctor feels that it will be in the best interest of the patient’s health to be admitted for further treatment and observation, the patient is admitted directly to the ward or ICU depending on the status of the patient.