The Gachie Success Story

doctor examining young girl

Sandra (Not real name) is a child we saw during the recent Gachie medical camp. She presented with a history of cough, vomiting for 3 days, abdominal swelling for 7 months associated fever and weight loss. On examination she was found to be small for age, slightly tachypnoeic, grossly distended abdomen, ascitis+++, enlarged kidney. A diagnosis of an abdominal mass wilms tumor made.

CT scan shows PUV with hydronephrosis, and the Left kidney is not functional. Dr. Lessan reviewed and recommends surgery i.e. Nephrectomy of the left kidney.

Sandra was admitted as a Harambee case and inpatient care and surgery carried out by the surgeon ( Dr. Lessan) and anaesthetist (Dr. Gathuya) at no cost to the patient as a result of the  strong partnership between GCH and its consultants.

Sandra is now well, able to feed and have normal growth and her mother is grateful to Gertrude’s for putting a smile on her face.